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Monday, March 30, 2009


carrot+ginger+apple - CLEANSE and BOOST our system
apple+cucumber+celery-prevent CANCER, reduce CHOLESTROL, improve stomach UPSET
tomato+carrot+apple-improve SKIN COMPLEXION... awet muda gituuuuu
bittergourd+apple+milk- avoid BAD BREATH, reduce internal body HEAT
orange+ginger+cucumber-improve skin texture, moisture, reduce nody heat
pineapple+ apple+watermelon-dispel excess salts, nourishes bladder and kidney
apple+cucumber+kiwi-improve skin complexion....takyah BOTOX daaa
pear+banana-regulates sugar content
carrot+apple+pear+mango-clear body heat, counteract toxic, reduce BP
honeydew+grape+watermelon+milk-increase cell activity, increase body imunity
papaya+pineapple+milk-improve metabolism and skin complexion
banana+pineapple+milk-prevent constipation

rajin-rajin laa mencuba ye.... 

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Lala Goreng Cili dengan Lobak Masin

Hmm.. pernah try tak? Try apa? Lala ke... sure la.. the other day, pegi Tesco (again..) lala was sold for 5.90 per kg.. its alia's n daddy's favorite.. beli about 600gm.. luckily on monday, my other half decided to take leave as for me it a public hol.. so we both cleaned the house and he helped me around with cooking (not really...) he re-organised the fridge actually and found a packet of lobak masin.. he asked me to cook it with the lala.. quick thinking (creatively..) i said okay... the usual ingredient will be garlic, ginger, shallot, cili padi, serai (lemongrass) daun kunyit (tumeric leave)... garlic, ginger, shallot dgn cili padi tu tumbuk sampai lumat, tumiskan...then masukkan lobak masin yang dihiris (about 1/2cm senang nak empuk tak liat sangat.....) bubuh air secawan..masukkan lala yang dah dibersihkan, tutup kuali sat... pastu masukkan serai yang dah dihempuk sikit n daun kunyit...) dah pakai lobak masin takyah buh asam gelugor lagi.... garam pun tak yah buh banyak2 sangat... pak aji sikit.... serve when it is still hot and steamy..wau!!! other half makan sampai 2 pinggan full... hihii....enjoy eating!  bon apptite...

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Appreciating Our Loves

Hari ni tak mau bagi resepi makanan.. saja nak share resepi hati plak... My boss came to office today brought his 3 children... they just lost their mother last Thursday.. My boss is close to me and I think he would like to share how he felt losing his 14-year-long-marriage wife. We the staff felt sorry for him... frankly he is a one boss that i can babble, get angry with and at the same time he will not hesitate to show his anger in front of me... more like a mentor where he taught me good leadership... he is one that i would not mind to say a friend. 
when he spoke about his wife, one easily sees how much he missed the late wife, dearly. the lost is so sudden, unanticipated and came as a total shock..
what i want to share is the lesson that i learnt from his situation (bukan nak amik kesempatan) but i think we should be prepared when this thing come to us as surpeise. as per his say HE PLANNED FOR SITUATION WHEN HE IS NO LONGER AROUND, but not the other way round.  Guys, husbands are always beingselfish in this case. They worked hard for MONEY in order to SECURE the future of his loved ones...but true fact, think again what is the thing WE SEEK in this LIFE? the answer is not MONEY.. money is to ENSURE SURVIVALITY...not a total satisfaction... Owh God, I can never finish with this...for I couldn't bear the fact of losing loved ones.....
Saying I love you is easy..keeping it alive is the real challenge

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Food For Moms Part 1

Semalam masa 'jalan-jalan' di blogs, terserempak dgn satu artikel ttg pemakan untuk anak2 yang genius.. tanpa membuang masa teruslaa I jotted down pengisian yang penting ni.. mungkin ramai yang tak mau ikut sebab pemakanan ni adalah kaedah pemgamalan orang2 yahudi dan terbukti mereka2 ni lah yang mendapat Noble Prizes dan masyarakat genius dari kalangan mereka terlalu ramai, but for me benda yang baik kalau kita tak buat, rugi besar tu.... banyak tips yng i dapat masa jenjalan tu... sebab tu ada part 1 part 2 and so on....

masa pregnant, penjagaan makanan paling penting... yang mesti ada almond (badam) salad, korma dan susu... minum laa susu wahai bakal2 ibu... kalau tak suka rasanya, bagi laa suka sebab kita takleh selfish demi anak yang dikandungkan.... banyakkan makan ikan...tapi jangan makan kepala nya tau..sebab tang kepala ikan ni banyak toksik.. isi jek yang paling banyak khasiat... daging leh makan, tapi kalau nak makan daging (ayam ke lembu ke apa2 laa..) make sure takde ikan atas meja..combination ikan daging ni TAK SESUAIIII... tambah toksik u...banyakkan makan salad kata org sepanyol ENSALADA.. sayur2an laa tu... bubuh kan almod gak..n olive oil.. takyah pakai salad dressings tu bebanyak... perisa jek lebih... hihihi.. 

kalau boleh dgr muzik2 klasik... bagi otak tu terangsang... YANG LEBIH baik habiskan baca Al-Quran 30 juzuk..surah2 yang kena amal Surah Lukman, Yusuuf dan Maryam...lebih baik dan afdal u... 

PALING PENTING DAN UTAMA... bakal2 ayah... dan ibu gak tolonglaa JANGAN MEROKOK! dok sebelah orang yang merokok ni merbahaya buat otak si bayi dlam kandungan tau..... kalau nak tau, negara kita tercinta ni rokok tu terlalu murah sebab tu makin lama makin ramai yang merokok..termasuklah org pompuan ye... negara2 yang jauh lebih standard dari negara kita S'pura tu contohnya, harga rokok melambung2 sampai orang merokok dipandang serong... ingat ye rentikan laa tabiat bazir duit tu ye... 

selamat menimang cahaya mata cemerlang dunia dan akhirat ye....