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Thursday, March 12, 2009

Lala Goreng Cili dengan Lobak Masin

Hmm.. pernah try tak? Try apa? Lala ke... sure la.. the other day, pegi Tesco (again..) lala was sold for 5.90 per kg.. its alia's n daddy's favorite.. beli about 600gm.. luckily on monday, my other half decided to take leave as for me it a public hol.. so we both cleaned the house and he helped me around with cooking (not really...) he re-organised the fridge actually and found a packet of lobak masin.. he asked me to cook it with the lala.. quick thinking (creatively..) i said okay... the usual ingredient will be garlic, ginger, shallot, cili padi, serai (lemongrass) daun kunyit (tumeric leave)... garlic, ginger, shallot dgn cili padi tu tumbuk sampai lumat, tumiskan...then masukkan lobak masin yang dihiris (about 1/2cm senang nak empuk tak liat sangat.....) bubuh air secawan..masukkan lala yang dah dibersihkan, tutup kuali sat... pastu masukkan serai yang dah dihempuk sikit n daun kunyit...) dah pakai lobak masin takyah buh asam gelugor lagi.... garam pun tak yah buh banyak2 sangat... pak aji sikit.... serve when it is still hot and steamy..wau!!! other half makan sampai 2 pinggan full... hihii....enjoy eating!  bon apptite...