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Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Aku Budak Minang Meal for the family

Yesterday i had a brief cha with my BFF. She asked me whether I ever cook SAMBAL IKAN BILIS PETAI + TEMPOYAK.. frankly, I have never...and she taught me thru YM how to prepare the dish.. dah le posa ganti semalm terus melecurrrr air liur.. on the way home terus terpikir2 nak masak sambal tempoyak that way.. tapi masalahnya takder plak petai kat umah tu....

i reached home slightly 10 minutes to 7 when other half was already home. I called him earlier to take out fish from the freezer to defrost before I can cook. I put my things and fetched Emir. Acu (Emir's nanny) said Emir has just asleep in his cradle. However, when I touched him gently and listened to my voice(husky voice mama ni sebab batuk + sakit kerongkong!), he opened his eyes and SMILED!!! sabo je la baby sorang ni...tau la kiut kan..!

anyway, lepas fetched Emir, balik umah masuk kitchen tengok2 dah ada GULAI JERING dalam periuk...>!!!! MIL masak earlier that day... I miss her cooking though... mmg sedap.. it will great kalau ada sambal belacan ke...sambal apa2 ke... best woooo...

so, I decided to goreng ikan nak buat sambal but my mind was racing to decide nak goreng ikan bodoh2 then buat sambal belacan.. (best gak tu..) but other half kata, ikan ni buat la goreng sambal...finally i decided to try sambalkan ikan tu dgn sambal tempoyak...!!!! so i did.. dah goreng ikan, tinggalkan sikit minyak tu untuk tumis sambal.. luckily i prepared cili boh and cili masak + cili api blend and kept in the fridge. So, i put ard sesudu besar cili boh, 3 sudu cili api + cili masak blend tu..n tumis... dah agak kering, buh 2 sudu besar tempoyak...masukkan setengah cawan that tempoyak tu sempat masak...masukkan daun kunyit n serbuk kunyit sikit... tak sempat2 nak kering sambal tu alia dah beg dah boleh makan ke mama...? i asked to to amik pinggan n buh nasik dulu...she did, and bediri next to me waiting for the dish to be done.. stress aku tau anak sorang ni...! hihihi... dah agak maska tu buh bawang besar hiris....dah tu masukkan ikan yg dah digoreng...gaul sebati... i put seketul dalam pinggan anak dara yang kelaparan tu... mmg betul pon, dia makan sampai berderak!!

i had my buka posa with the meal..betul2 aku budak minang ni...!!!