amik tepung pulut hitam campur sikit tepung pulut biasa... dalam 3 cawan tepung pulut hitam, setengah cawan tepung pulut biasa... buat air garam (bubuh garam 2 sudu besar dalam cawan, pastu bubuh air biasa...garam takyah larut pun..) masukkan air dalam tepung.. ulikan... kulit ni biar lembik2 sikit... tip, masa uli selagi tepung melekat kat tangan, keras laa kuih nanti... uli sampai tepung tak melekat kat tangan.. tambah sikit air lagi.... sikit jek... jangan sampai terlalu lembik nanti susah nak makan... bungkuskan kat dalam daun pisang..bungkuskanla ikut suka bentuk.. pastu kukuskan ye...
Tiba2 teringat nak bagi resepi kuih ni.. sebab ada insiden yang sedih sangat2 berlaku kat my place of boss' wife met an accident and passed away. Reason I bagi resepi kuih ni sebab my boss likes to eat kuih2 tradisional ni a lot.. one day i brought kuih koci ke opis, dia makan seketul2 (tapi time tumy kuih koci keras cam batu...) some other day, he brought me to shangrila hotel for lunch to entertain visitors oso... when we both up for the dessert, unlike other ppl, he went straight up to the kuih tradisional counter, cucur badak laa, kuih talam la, kuih koci laa... so i asked him why he chose those kuih for those could be cheaply got around us.. he said, his wife (late-wife now) doesn't know how to make it...
this recipe i dedicated to those wife whose other halves love to eat kuih kampung before its too late.. AlFatihah to Dr Hasnan's late wife...moga roh dicucuri rahmat oleh-Nya..