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Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Sandwich Tergila2
Luckily on Sunday I managed to prepare many alternatives..except for Alia where after she had lunch (right before she is due to get ready for school)...she took th eloaf of Gardenia bread..
I was so shivering yet still asking her:
Mama: kakak nak buat apa?
ALia: akak nak bawak bekal la Mama..
Mama: tuna sandwich?
Alia: ha'ah..
Mama: banyak lagi ke tuna nya?meh sini mama tambah telor
soon i whisk th eleft over with an egg in th efrying pan and prepared 4 sandwiches whic i further divided into 8 portions...
when she was back from skool, she blurted:
Alia: Mama, mama... mama tau si Iffah tu TERGILA2KAN sandwich mama...!
(me still blur,..?)
Alia: esok akak janji nak belanja dia SANDWICH KAYA pulak...
aduihhh....macam2 laa janji anak dara ku immediately today i bought another loaf of Gardenia bread..just in case!
Bubur Kacang + Durian

Friday, July 22, 2011
French Toast in the Morning
anyway, few days back, my department had planned to have dinner after office hour at Sunway Pyramid. Thus, I knew I would be home late, I purposely went off to work later than usual.. however, other half still woke up in the morning got ready to work. It was still early when other half drove off the porch. I left with Emir and thinking it would be good if I had the chance to have real brakfast with my kids. No need for MIL to prepare anything for the kids. I saw2 loaves of gardenia plain white bread and my mind quipped, it would be good if I prepare french toast for my kids before the bread berkulat.. i quickly took a salad bowl, putting in 3 scoops of margerine, 3 eggs and whisk them..i put is 3 spoons of sugar to add on the taste.. I heat up the non-stick frying pan, under a slow burn, i dip the bread and start to toast need to put any sor of oil okay.. i fried them...and triangled them once they are cooked (roughly ard 2 minutes)..
Apparently, they loved it so much, they did not eat rice for the day...according to MIL, they fought for the toast! Faiz tapau bawak pegi skool..
This morning, Alia woke up and asked, Mama puasa ke hari ni...I answered her, tak, mama tak puasa...dah habis ganti..
She waited for me in the kitchen. As when I was about to taste my drink, she blurted:
Alia: Mama, buatkan roti telur tu lagi boleh tak..?
(I looked at the wall clock, owh, already quarter past 7.. Emir is still dangling on my side)
Mama: Kakak, mama tak sempat ni...
Alia: tapi kakak dah janji dengan Iffah.....(her face turned so sour and she covered her face with her hands..hmm...merajuk dah my only girl ni...)
I sipped my Milo (before Adha spill it over on the floor as he was playing with the spoon) and quipped in my mind, what is so wrong to be 5-10 minutes late to work but able to make my daughter happy and able to make her make up her promise to her friend. Eventually I found myself whisking the eggs and margerine and heating up the frying pan, too... in less than 10 minutes all toast are ready on the dining table and Alia smiled ear to ear while helping me with Emir on her lap...
I went off to work, and Alhamdulillah the road was clearer than usual that I managed to get to workplace quarter to 9...tak lambat pun...
kalau dah jadi mama ni, tak sampai hati tak prepare anything anak2 nak makan...
Monday, July 18, 2011
Putera Puteri MAndi
it is actually tepung pulut gentel2...pastu rebus...sampai anik dalam air rebusan tu..pastu masakan sekali lagi dalam santan dgn gula merah...buh daun pandan..
bila dah dewasa ni...masakan EMAK selalunya mula laa nak modify kan.. tul tak..? so, i did..this time tepung pulut tu amik daam setengah kg.. buh air garam..uli...cara uli tu..sampai tepung tak melekat kat tangan...bahagi 2 doh tu..satu warnakan hijau, satu lagi warnakan merah... gentel kecik2...mula2 bulat cam ball pastu penyekkan sikit.. jadik laa leper sikit kan.. dah siap gentel..rebus dalam air mendidih... agak2 laa dalam 10 minuts tu...tepung dah masak.....nak tau masak ke idak...tepung tu berenang2 kat bahagian atas air rebusan tu...toskan
pastu masukkan dalam periuk yg lain, buh tepung warna warni tu...buh santan sebiji kelapa...masukkan 3-4 senduk gula..ikut selera...daun pandan 2 helai...masakkan sampai mendidih...
hidangkan sejuk..keluar dari peti sejuk LLAAGIII BEST!
Sambal Tempoyak Udang + Petai

Thursday, July 14, 2011
Bestday Meal


It’s Alia’s 8th birthday and she begged for presents and cakes months ago.. Since it was Wednesday on her day, too bad, mama & ayah needed to go to work though.. after so many series of unfortunate events for the last 5 weeks, we couldn’t afford to forego our leave only for her sorry kakak
However, in return, I managed to pack some cute little stationeries for her to give to her friends.. I too promised her a cake when I am back from work. I reminded other half in the wee morning to get home early..
At work, I received an sms from other half slightly half past 3 asking me whether to buy Alia her present today after work? Alia begged for a bicycle for her birthday though! I answered him with another question that I thought he promised to buy the bike on weekend..?
Fortunately, my place of work has placed few bakery shops, thus, leave me with easier option on buying her cake..i chose a choc fudge cake with sunflower on it.. not the choice of an average 8 years old I am sure, but that is the only whole cake thankful ye..!
Reaching home slightly minutes before 6.30, other half was already there waiting for me and asked me to join him to buy kakak’s present…. We decided to find it at K4…but with lack of choices… we ended stopped at a bike shop, the first one I suggested to him earlier.. so we bought it there….beskal pun dah naik hargaaa…
So here we go, HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALIA…! What we had for dinner, we had little celebration over our usual TV session and I cooked SAMBAL UDANG PETAI+TEMPOYAK! Wowowowoooooo….
Mama tak kira, bestday ke idak ke, perut mama tetap nak nasik…..!
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Aku Budak Minang Meal for the family
i reached home slightly 10 minutes to 7 when other half was already home. I called him earlier to take out fish from the freezer to defrost before I can cook. I put my things and fetched Emir. Acu (Emir's nanny) said Emir has just asleep in his cradle. However, when I touched him gently and listened to my voice(husky voice mama ni sebab batuk + sakit kerongkong!), he opened his eyes and SMILED!!! sabo je la baby sorang ni...tau la kiut kan..!
anyway, lepas fetched Emir, balik umah masuk kitchen tengok2 dah ada GULAI JERING dalam periuk...>!!!! MIL masak earlier that day... I miss her cooking though... mmg sedap.. it will great kalau ada sambal belacan ke...sambal apa2 ke... best woooo...
so, I decided to goreng ikan nak buat sambal but my mind was racing to decide nak goreng ikan bodoh2 then buat sambal belacan.. (best gak tu..) but other half kata, ikan ni buat la goreng sambal...finally i decided to try sambalkan ikan tu dgn sambal tempoyak...!!!! so i did.. dah goreng ikan, tinggalkan sikit minyak tu untuk tumis sambal.. luckily i prepared cili boh and cili masak + cili api blend and kept in the fridge. So, i put ard sesudu besar cili boh, 3 sudu cili api + cili masak blend tu..n tumis... dah agak kering, buh 2 sudu besar tempoyak...masukkan setengah cawan that tempoyak tu sempat masak...masukkan daun kunyit n serbuk kunyit sikit... tak sempat2 nak kering sambal tu alia dah beg dah boleh makan ke mama...? i asked to to amik pinggan n buh nasik dulu...she did, and bediri next to me waiting for the dish to be done.. stress aku tau anak sorang ni...! hihihi... dah agak maska tu buh bawang besar hiris....dah tu masukkan ikan yg dah digoreng...gaul sebati... i put seketul dalam pinggan anak dara yang kelaparan tu... mmg betul pon, dia makan sampai berderak!!
i had my buka posa with the meal..betul2 aku budak minang ni...!!!
Monday, July 11, 2011
Kek Kukus Pandan Moist
finally, i had to have my own time and started to work in the kitchen, when minutes later, alia came to me with my SAJI magazine.. she kepohed to me that she thinks her mama can cook some of the food from the magazine. I remember buying the magazine long time ago when I was heavily pregnant with Adha. I bought that for the purpose of MASAKAN SEMASA PANTANG.. this one definitely the pantang edition..
i had no idea Alia was actually flipping from one page to another trying to figure out what mama could prepare for her...and lastly she saw a nice photo of kek lapis pandan..
Alia: eh, mama, mama..mama boleh buat kek ni kot...(sambil tunjuk kat gambau tu)
Mama: meh sini mama tengok bahan2 nya..
Alia: boleh kan..? (separuh begging though!)
Mama: rasanya boleh kot..
Alia: hah, buat kan laa.....!
to cut the story short, the very next day bila pegi beli lauk-pauk kat pasar, i grabbed a bundle of daun pandan.. lepas siap masak for the family on that sunday afternoon, I called her up to help me in the kitchen for her pandan cake..
i asked her to whisk 5 eggs+2 cups of sugar, while I blend daun pandan (7-8 helai) + a cup of water, after roughly about 5 minutes, i filter daun pandan and left with the pati..masukkan dalam beaten eggs + sugar tadi..wangiii jee baunya..pastu sift 2 cups of wheat flour+soda bikarbonate+baking powder..masukkan sikit2 kedalam adunan tadi.. lastly masukkan half a cup of minyak masak... kukuskan...!
baunya mak aiiiiiiii....menyentuh perut anak2 ku...tak sabor2 nak makan..! mmg betul pun, potong je panas2 tu berebut2 nak rasa mama's first time ever Kek Kukus Pandan.....!
Friday, July 1, 2011
Happy Family Meal
I took leave as yesterday was Report Card's Day for Alia and Faiz. I remembered 2 days after school holidays over, Alia mentioned to me that she got 6th place in her class. And FAiz, too claimed he got 6th Place too..(dalam hati mama, leh percaya ke si Faiz ni...tapi mama kept quiet je..) Other half and I went to their skool slightly after Zuhur.. true enough, Alia has got 6th place with average percentage is 90.3%. Although her placing dropped, but her percentage has risen up. Alhamdulillah... what about Faiz? Leh tak mama gelak dulu... so called 6th place laa kan... he beaten at least 6 pupils in his class only.. hahahhaha... 19th out of 26... sabor je laaa.... As I mentioned before..he is analytical not linguistic... that tells all! anyway, I am proud of them!
FIL asked us to buy JERING TUA n MUDA, petai, pucuk paku...ikan kerisi goreng je pun takpe.. so we went to our old place of shopping heaven for lauk pauk..PASAR CHOW KIT!! really heaven, we spent only RM50 for many sayur mayur and 4 types of ikan...!
to cut the story short, sampai je umah, MIL and I started to prepare things to cook.. I asked her to cook sebab takut if I masak tak sedap for FIL... after 5 minutes other half n FIL joined us in the kitchen. He saw the petai, then kopek.. MIL asked him what he wanted to do with the petai...he said HE IS GOING TO FRY IT...! he did! he fried the petai... took thoe chilli i tumbuk dalam lesung, dia yg bubuh belacan tu..buh ikan bilis... goreng..sambil nyanyi2...! lawak sungguh.. i put the salt and pak aji for him... really, it was so delicious.. I stirfry with belacan pucuk paku...ikan goreng garam kunyit je... mak oi...mmg worth every bit!!!
he played badminton with alia half an hour later..having so much fun i guess.. only 45 minutes later, he drove our car and went missing for half an hour...other half an i had to look him around, was found by RELA team an hour later..pusing2 satu taman cari our house tak jumpa..!!! alasan dia, semua rumah nampak samaaaa je...LOL!
What a day!